Wide Receivers

How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it. 

Luke 13:34

Jesus is speaking here to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, lamenting the fact that they would not receive Him.   This is hard to imagine and yet, too often, I am guilty of the same. I think that the inability to receive still keeps Jesus at arms lengths.

A giver, no matter how unlimited his resources can only give what the receiver can and will take in.  Most children are good receivers. Offer children a treat and see how many turn it down. Address their need – a hug, a band-aid, a glass of water and see how many turn that down.  Some, for sure, but most will receive the offering.  Ask a kid what they want for Christmas and their list is endless.  Ask an adult the same question and most often you will hear, “oh, you don’t need to get me anything.” Sounds so mature, doesn’t it? Yet, the problem with that is that refusing to receive robs the giver of the joy of giving.  While we believe that is better to give than to receive, giving does requires receivers.

Our ability to receive seems to drop drastically as we age. Offer a hundred dollars to your friends just because and see how many turn the money down.  A kid wouldn’t do that.   Odds are, they would ask for more!  Maybe that’s part of what Jesus meant when He said we need to humble ourselves and become like little children.  They are great receivers.

I feel certain this grieved Jesus’ heart when Jerusalem refused to receive Him.  I believe our refusal to receive Him and all that He paid for us to have grieves His heart as well.  Our healing was paid for and the price was extremely expensive for Jesus but totally free for us.  We need to come to a place in our faith where we do not limit the Limitless One and become willing to humble ourselves as a child to receive what He so freely offers – our healing.

Jesus, when I think of the price You paid so freely for me to walk in health – spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally – I am humbled.  To say thank you seems so small, but I don’t have bigger words.  Forgive me please for the times I have limited You and have not been able to receive what You are so willing to give.  Grant me the grace to humble myself as a child and eagerly take the gift You extend to me.  Amen.

I would love to hear from you. Please let me know if I can be praying for you as well.

2 thoughts on “Wide Receivers

  1. Diane, you speak so truthfully, and yet, since my Jerry “graduated” to his Heavenly home, it is difficult to pray for anyone’s healing now. The outcome of Jerry’s “healing” (Yes, going home to Heaven is the ultimate healing.) was ENTIRELY different from what I was “sold-outedly” expecting. But, I have to leave what I cannot understand in the hands of God, and continue to trust Him. 😦

    I know I must now be thankful that I shared 16 years with Jerry, and expect good things for my coming days, weeks, months, years in my own life. Today, I played music – fun, lively music. It took me back to my single days before Jerry… when fun music always lifted my spirits. And, I baked brownies. 🙂

    I will always love and miss the Jerry that I bonded so with, but, I’m trying to start living the life I now have. Though bursts of crying still come, I know Jerry would want me to enjoy what I can out of life.

    More and more, I long for Glory, as more and more of my loved ones go… and are waiting there for me to join them. Yet, I still have so many hopes and dreams for this life. Yes, we need to have open hearts to receive the blessings God has in store for us, His children.



    1. Again l just want you to know how sorry I am for your loss. I very much understand not only the pain of the loss but the angst regarding the promises of God for healing. I have wrestled with this myself for the last few years. I can’t honestly say I’ve made peace with it. I’m marvel at your resilience and your desire to honor Jerry by enjoying what you can out of this life. You are in my prayers


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