The Work of His Hand

But now, O Lord, You are our Father,
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all of us are the work of Your hand.

Isaiah 64:8

My husband was a potter. The evidence of this is all over my home. He has gone to be with the Lord but the pottery remains and honors the hands and the heart that formed them.

Creating pottery from clay is messy. And time consuming. Not all the time is spent hands on -, sculpting or throwing clay on the wheel or glazing, a lot of time is spent waiting. Waiting for the clay to dry enough to be fired in the kiln and then waiting for the firing process to be complete and waiting for the kiln to cool off enough to peek inside and see the creations.

My husband taught our son to sculpt and use the wheel to throw clay into wonderful treasures. He tried to teach me but I couldn’t get into it, the mess was too much for me and I hated how the clay dried out my hands. But my husband loved it. So did my son. The end result, to them, was worth the mess and the waiting.

This verse tells us that we are the clay and God is the potter. God’s hands lovingly formed us and shaped us into a creation that He treasures. Treasures that are to honor the hands and the heart that formed them. Treasures that are unique and wonderfully and fearfully made.

Even if my husband used the same clay and glazes on his pottery, each piece was unique. I can’t find any two pieces in my home that are the same.

You and I are divinely made, uniquely designed and lovingly molded and shaped into the image God held in His heart when He was creating the masterpiece He envisioned long before we were born. I hope you and I can embrace this truth wholeheartedly.

Father, forgive me for the times I have allowed other voices to drown out the truth of Your word. You say I am fearfully and wonderfully made and Your word should have the final say in my heart. Help me to settle that word in my heart and help me to honor the hands and the heart that formed me by living as though I was designed for a purpose and that I am Your unique treasure.

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