New Address

For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.  Colossians 1: 13 When we begin our new life with God through Christ Jesus, we are not only relationally changed, we are positionally changed.  Our old address is the domain of darkness and our new address is the kingdom of His beloved Son.  Things operate differently in this kingdom than they do at our old address.  In this kingdom we are told that the way to life is to die to ourselves, that giving is better than receiving, that miracles are the … Continue reading New Address

Pleasant Words

  Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.  Proverbs 16: 24 Pleasant words – words that encourage and lift up, words that minister life and grace and love and mercy.  Heard many of those lately?  Spoken many of those lately?  Sometimes, I have to admit, I am careless in my speech.  I speak from habit and convention.  People ask, “How are you? and I say “fine” whether I am or not.  And no one seems to really care.  And I think what difference does it make? The woman at the counter at … Continue reading Pleasant Words